Sunday, August 18, 2013

Being Mrs Tingle

Right now I am sitting here and there are two overwhelming emotions running through me right now:

One, I am sad that Miss Emily will not see me during the day and that I will not get to kiss those toes and feed her and rock her to sleep.

Two, I am so excited for this week. Since I was a little girl I played teacher and told everyone that is what I wanted to do and guess what? I AM a teacher! I went to college and I am still in college and it is so rewarding to see that hard work pay off and it is an amazing feeling to actually be able to go stand in front of a real live class on Tuesday.

So, I am having to look at the second feeling and realize how amazing it is after everything Mike and I have been through that I am to this point and realize what a blessing life is. I have been able to stay at home with my children off and on their entire lives. I have gotten to exclusively nurse two of my children for extended periods of time. I was able to finish high school despite the pregnancy and go on and finish college, with the abundant help from my amazing man! My children are thriving and happy and cute and spunky and they have two parents who adore them and they know it. My husband is blessed with a one-of-a-kind company to work for who treat and compensate him well bringing peace and security into our home. So, how can I not see all the wonderful things and realize that God has placed his hand over our family and provided so abundantly for us through opening up job opportunities, through leading friends and family to help us out when we need it, and for giving us everything we could possibly ever want or need in life.

So, when I think of it that way, I realize that God just put all these pieces into place and my new job was all him. I found this school by searching for private schools for the fifteenth time. I put my resume and cover letter out there. I got an interview. I found out the next day that the guy I had been sitting next to in class the entire summer, was the person who had the position I was applying for the year before. He gave me all the info I needed to make a great impression. The school offered more money than I expected and I love all of my coworkers. They are laid back and understanding and like a little family. This job fit mine and my family's needs like a glove and will enable us to pay off debt and be more financially secure, creating more peace in our home. God is amazing!

With all of this being said, on Tuesday my childhood dream of being teacher will be realized. On Tuesday my first set of kids will call me Mrs. Tingle. I will officially be a wife, mom,and a teacher, all of things I have always wanted in life. I may not have a perfect life, but I definitely have a blessed life!

I am going to try to do better and update this blog more about my adventures at home and in the classroom! Stay Tuned! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Homeschooling Blues

So it is safe to say that the first "semester" of homeschooling failed miserably for us. Reading was like pulling teeth and getting Jeremiah to stay focused and take care of Caleb was a nightmare. In fact, before Christmas, thoughts of giving up have already started to creep in. However I had a heart to heart with myself and before I say this is not for us, I am going to try to change the rules a little bit.

I love school and have loved the traditional method of school since I can remember. However, I think I have been placing too much stress on myself and on Jeremiah. He is 5 for goodness sake!! So we are going to focus on how to teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons, math and handwriting! Everything else will be fun and involve freedom. No more than 20 minutes per sit down lesson and then after that just let me him have fun.

I am going to try my hardest to stick to a schedule and finish up the curriculum in those three areas before I decide it is just not going to work.

I really wanted to be able to spend more time with him, and yet all the pressure I placed on the idea of what "school" is supposed to be has caused me to be stressed out just thinking about school and doing anything educational related with him, which is not what it was supposed to do. I don't want to burn him out, I wanted to do this because I wanted him to love to learn and I wanted to be there to see it happening, so I am going to try hard to let go a little bit instead of trying so hard for it to be perfect.

Some of you may be saying DUH, but I am such a perfectionist, homeschooling Kindergarten has been rougher than it should be, because 5 years old learning mixed with whiny three year old and a hormonal pregnant mom is not going to ever produce a perfect day or perfect schedule and I am finally okay with that.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Update on Baby Girl and on Other Adventures

So It has been almost 12 weeks since I have updated. I will be adding pictures here and there throughout this blog!

So for anyone who is behind and doesn't know, we are having a GIRL and we are naming her Emily Grace Tingle!

Here was Emily at 10 weeks:

Here was Emily at 13 weeks:

And Finally Here is Emily at 20 Weeks:

The pregnancy has had some hiccups, but everything looked great at my 20 week appt. They have the hiccups under control for now and Emily looks perfect!

I have been craving chick-fil-a and milk.
She is officially kicking me ALL day long and I love it!!

Will update on updates on the boys soon.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Baby Tingle # 3!!!

So I am going to try to be faithful on here and update my pregnancy, belly photos, Doctor appointments and ultrasounds so that I can have a record of things I craved, things that happened, and other little moments and thoughts that I want to remember.

So  here goes Post #1

I had my first OB appointment today. We did an ultrasound. It put me at 6 weeks and 4 days which means I am due on March 5th, 2013, which is now my official due date for the remainder of the pregnancy.

A few fun things to keep track of

Nausea and Vomiting in full force right now
Craving sweet things (watermelon, candy)
Hating salty foods
Loving me some milk and yogurt
My mood swings are pretty bad right now :(

My heart rate was 80 bpm (which is great for my past health problems and problems with my thyroid).
My blood pressure was 113/64. Which is another great one!
I weighed 200 lbs (yes I just broadcast my weight)  and that means that since finding out i was pregnant 3 weeks ago I have not yet gained any weight.

The baby is about the size of a blueberry and has started to form the nose eyes and mouth. There are buds on the side of the head there ready to become ears and there is buds that are ready to grow into full length arms and legs. Its heart is started to form and is beating healthily! The blood has already begun to pump through the body. Its intestines, kidneys, lungs, pituitary gland, brain, muscles and bones have started to form!

I was able to see the heartbeat on the ultrasound which made my day and has made me much more calm and relaxed! Also, my doctor went ahead and got me anti-nausea medication since I am having a hard time actually keeping my food down after consuming, and the constant nausea and sleeplessness due to the nausea that I am experiencing. Hopefully it will help me sleep better and be able to function better!!! So yay for that!

The only problem presented at this ultrasound is that there is a blood clot above the pregnancy in my uterus. It is small at the moment and for now is just something that has to be monitored. I have been ordered to take it easy, rest as much as possible, no strenuous activity, and to drink lots of water! I can do that :) Hopefully it will dissolve on its own and there will be no problem and that is what I am speaking in the name of Jesus! So as of now everything is fine and the pregnancy looks great and I am doing great!

So there is post #1 about Baby #3!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Jack Edward Ballard Sr.

Today I cut watermelon and it should  have been a simple task with no emotion and no thought, but when I cut watermelon or eat seafood or drink coffee my memories of papa flood back. Some times I just smile and then sometimes I lose it and am overwhelmed with emotion.

When I was younger we went to Destin, Florida numerous times for Christmas. One Christmas my whole family had Christmas morning together in our Condo at Destin. I have fond memories of those sweet times with family and with my papa and with my grandparents. I can recall memory after memory that just flood me with happiness. Me and my cousin Tim racing into the VERY cold ocean and falling in and spending that Christmas with Anja, a German exchange student that stayed with my Aunt Beth. She is still a precious part of our family along with her beautiful parents and now husband. In fact my aunt and grandmother have been to Germany to visit her family since that year with us here.

I recall memories of Papa cutting watermelon on the patio on newspaper and letting me eat it as we go! Or the way that even when I was WAY too big he let me sit in his lap. He never judged me, never failed to show me that I was 100% loved. He always had candy at church. He always gave the best bear hugs and he, along with my daddy, taught me how to fish and how to love eating fish. He loved his seafood, actually he loved his food! He taught me how to love Coffee. It started at the Auburn games. LOL. He would make me a cup of coffee in this auburn cup that I always had to use. He and my daddy taught me to be a Tiger! They taught me how to mean War Eagle!

We always ate out after church. He allowed me to choose where many times. But he never failed to be generous and to tip well, he always paid for my friends meals, and we always laughed at our meals. We may have annoyed people with our loud table and constant laughing and talking, but that is how we did things. Our conversation wasn't always appropriate, in fact we may have gotten more laughs out of the gas problems that the Ballard's have.

Beyond all the laughter was a man who loved his wife and loved his children and loved his family. He may have been extremely stubborn and sometimes his temper could flare, but he genuinely loved life, loved his family, and loved his savior. He lived like that 24/7.

The last vacation I ever took with my papa was in June of 2006, when we went to Kentucky Lake to fish. It was me, my daddy, my papa and my granny. We had a lot of fun and my favorite picture of me and papa came from that trip.I had just started dating Michael that summer and was very wrapped up in that. If I had known that it would be the last time that I would ever go fishing with my papa oh how I would have treasured it that much  more.

We are quickly approaching 5 years without him here. Sadly he passed away 3 weeks before I married Michael and he was never able to meet Jeremiah, but I was far enough along that he was able to fill him quick the day before he passed away. We were all sleeping wherever we could find room in my grandparent's house. We were all there when he started to take his last breath as How Great is Our God played on the stereo.

I love my Papa to know end and miss him every second of every day, but I will see him again.
But on days like today, when I cut the watermelon, it all comes flooding back. All the memories of him, our family's closeness, and of our last moments with him.

I love you Papa!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Parmesan Catfish and Life

Tonight I made a good dinner, in my opinion. I  made Parmesan-Breaded Catfish, homemade mashed potatoes, peas, asparagus, and carrots. I may even make a late night batch of homemade brownies. I love being free of transportation duties and school duties and just being able to be a stay at home mom with time to cook, clean, spend time with my boys and my husband, and still have time to myself at night to blog :)

This is how life should be. Yes we are in a financial mess, because lets face it, when it rains it pours, but as Michael so eloquently put it, when it pours you just have to get an umbrella!

But despite our financial circumstance, I still get to spend time with my family and cook for them and do our housework and throw in some grey's anatomy when I get a chance.

In the past few years I have watched many people I know of, some through Facebook and family friends and some close, go through loss of their children. Some were miscarriages, some were NICU babies, some were precious precious toddlers not far from Caleb's age. I want to treasure my time with my family, because God can choose to call them home at any time and that will be it until the other side.

So today I choose to cherish the time and family that God has so graciouslly given me and I chose to praise him despite our circumstances, because one he ALWAYS has a plan and purpose, and two because he deserves that praise all the time and circumstances come and go but my family is here right NOW and God is ALWAYS FAITHFUL to his children!

Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, 
and your faithfulness surrounds you ----Psalm 89:8

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.----Lamentations 3:22-23
I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.---Psalm 89:1

For anyone interested here is my Parmesan Catfish Recipe:

somewhere between 1/4 to 1/2 cup all purpose flour

about 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
about 2-3 tbsp cornmeal
about 1-2 tsp paprika
salt and pepper at your discretion
3 tbsp of egg white 
about 1/4 cup of fat free milk (any milk works, but that is what we use)
4 4-6 oz catfish filets 

1. Preheat oven to 350
2. combine cheese, cornmeal, paprika, and flour in a small mixing bowl and mix together
3. combine egg white and milk together in small bowl and mix together
4. dip each filet in bowl of milk mixture and then coat in breading mixture then place on nonstick baking pan
5. cook for 35-40 minutes (fish should flake easily
Nutritional Info (made a recipe on (1st number is 4 oz serving, 2nd is 6 oz serving)
Calories: 215 (4 oz) 275 (6 oz); Fat: 7.5g; 11g; Sat Fat: 1.6g; 2.4g; Cholesterol: 43 mg; 64mg; Sodium: 98mg; 147mg; Carbs: 9.5g; 14.2g;  Fiber: 1g; 1.3g; Sugar: 0.6g; 1g;  Protein: 16.4g; 25.6g
Tips: add seasoning and parmesean cheese as you would like to add a little more flavor. This is a very light breading, so it will not be similar to the type of breading that you find in like parmesean chicken at Olive Garden. It may seem bland if that is what you are expecting!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

We have decided

So, we have decided to homeschool.

I am going to finish my degree, but my husband and I decided that for the moment, not using my degree is acceptable in light of being  to educate our children the way we choose and in the environment we choose. We are paying a lot of money for someone else to raise and educate our children, when I am very capable and will enjoy doing so. I am not sure why God has called us to do this or why all the pieces of the puzzle that needed to fall into place for this happen have fallen. It will be hard and will be an adjustment for me to be at home with my children 24-7. I am not sure I am cut out to do this, but I have to trust that God feels that I am, and he knows me better than I know myself, so I have to trust him on this one. 

Already after deciding to homeschool, the enemy is throwing things at us and making our lives harder. I have to believe that means we are doing something right. I hope that all my friends out there will support our decision and our future decisions and  let us decide the best course of action for our family! 

I struggled with this decision for many reasons.  I  struggle because I feel wasteful for not going directly to work when I finish my degree, but I have to believe there is a reason God has called this on our family. I have struggled with it because I don't feel I have been the best wife, mom, daughter, or sister the past few years. I have hurt a lot of people with my indifference in some cases and my selfishness in others, and I have hurt people who have just tried to love me. I have messed up royally and it almost cost me my marriage and my family. I know that God has forgiven me and that my husband has forgiven me. I know that God chooses not to remember what I have done in the past when I ask for his forgiveness and my husband and I have chosen to  move on from this chapter of our lives and start fresh. But, I am still scared. I am scared that I will mess this up, and that I am not good enough of a mom or wife to pull this off full-time.

I guess I am laying it all out there, because I don't want to hide or bottle up anything. Nothing should be a secret. My life should be an open book so that I am held accountable for my actions. Also, because if there are any other young moms out there struggling with motherhood and being a wife and part of a new family by marriage and trying to make it work, I want them to know that they are not alone. 

But regardless of the fear and doubt that I feel, we have chosen to make this leap and we are committed to it. So we are diving in headfirst and hopefully with the support of our savior and the support of family we will keep our heads above water. 

The bible says that we should
"Train a child up in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
The best way, that we see, for us to raise and educate our children in the world with the many pitfalls that it presents to a young child, is to raise them with a Christ-centered education and environment. We will be able to have more control over what he hears and the people that he hangs out with and will be able to protect him and his innocence until it is time for him to go out into the world and hopefully be a warrior for Christ. 

I know this was a long post, but I wanted to write what was on my heart.